so hello there... pergh nie mmng gile lame x brblogging.. mane x nyer bussy kowt.. ps:/ sbnrnya ternet da kena potng..whahah...
back to the title of my post...
Dream or impian... hurm... bila ingat balek bnyk nyer impian y x trcapai...... one of them be independent women..yeah...
seyesly bnda nie cam hilang mcm tu je... haish....
i still remember dulu... get a work y mmng bussy giler.. then live alone without depending on others. tu sbb ak nk jd pegawai tadbir diplomatik... kerja nie mmng sah2 bussy...
mmng la x de life.. tp nie je cra y ak bleh bwat utk elk dri ati ini terus d sakiti...
makin banyak kita knl ngn org nie.. makin kerap hati nie dlukai...
like now... when i start to noe and close to one person i need to noe everything about their life.. their frenz.. their previous life.. that might hurt me soo much... and when i noe their frenz n their frenz noe me.. all my action or what i'm doing we be observe by them.. argh...
lau ak x knl diorg mmng sah2 ape y aku bwat depa semua x kesah..
ak nk pakai bju wrna pelik2 ke.. ak nk kwn ngn org gila pn.. depa x kn ckp.. sbb they dont noe me... best....
tp tu r...some people love to be famous but me noooooooooooooooooo...
bia la ak idup ngn kwn2 rpt ak je... x yah rmi sgt nk knl...
oke C U SOON:)