life..... are we ever appreciate it??? hurm....
td pagi2 lg da nages... sbb??? bkn kene marah or kene pukul...
sbb ak ak tgk dicovery psl aircrash.... sungguh mendebarkn..
i can't imagine if i on that situation....
this aircrash happened because of bird....
aik asal plak salahkn bird??...
sbnrnya.. ketika flight 1549 of US airline membuat penerbangannye.. sekumpulan burung hijrah telah bertembung dgn airplane tu sehingga menggagalkn kedua2 enjin kpl trbng tu..*ps raser2nye..
nie brita selanjutnya tntng benda nie..
Costanza for News
All passengers were rescued from a USAirways plane that crash landed Thursday in the Hudson River.A former fighter pilot was hailed as the Hero of the Hudson Thursday night after he landed a stricken US Airways jet in the river - and made sure everybody got out alive.
Pilot Chesley Sullenberger was still drying off when Mayor Bloomberg sang his praises.
"He did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river" and evacuating the passengers, Bloomberg said of the veteran pilot who lives near San Francisco.
With water seeping into the plane - and all his 150 passengers and four other crew members safe - Sullenberger walked up and down the center aisle twice to make sure nobody was left before he, too, fled the jet, the mayor said.
"He was the last one off the plane," Bloomberg said.
Gov. Paterson also praised the ferry boat operators and rescue workers who rushed over as the plane bobbed in the 40-degree water and plucked the frigid, frightened passengers off the wings.
"We've had a miracle on the Hudson," Paterson said.
The Federal Aviation Administration said everybody was accounted for - a group that included at least one baby and a passenger who lost a relative in the Sept. 11 attacks.
Passengers described the scene moments after the plane hit the water as "organized chaos." Yet, there was little panic as they helped each other reach the exit - allowing women and children to go first.
"It's just incredible right now that everybody's still alive," passenger Alberto Panero said.
"It was intense, it was intense," added another passenger, Jeff Kolodjay. "You've got to give it to the pilot. He made a hell of a landing."
It was just 20 degrees at the time and shivering survivors were rushed to Roosevelt Hospital and other medical centers to be treated for exposure. Most were expected to be released.
Meanwhile, investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board were inspecting the 9-year-old Airbus A320, which was towed to Battery Park City and moored to a bulkhead just north of the World Financial Center.
Sullenberger, a 57-year-old former Air Force fighter pilot and a 29-year veteran of US Airways, told air traffic controllers he hit a flock of geese and that it knocked out both of his engines.
It appeared to be the first time in 45 years that a major aircraft crash-landed in the water - and every passenger on board made it out alive.
Former Airbus executive George Hamlin said the pilot deserves a big thank you from the city.
"Ditching an aircraft is a significant accomplishment on the part of the pilot, as opposed to crashing one," he said. "There's no place for an airplane of that size to land in Manhattan."
really terrible..
apa y wat sy nages.. apabila bebarapa passanger y slamat mencerita saat mereka cemas...
ader seorg ibu bgtau.. di saat itu dia ingt dia akn mati...
so berbaki masa y ader dia call her husband n said that she had a airplane crash on Hudson river.... n dia juga ckp... " i oways love u..n our kids.."
suami dier y mndngrnya mengigil...
ye r bleh x kita byngkn..lau org y kita syng di saat gnting cam nie.....oh...
ader sorng lg sorg suami.. y smpt lg send msg to his wife n said..." take care of our kids... n i love u..."
oh.. kalau ak.. ak hanya berserah pd Allah... n if i have time i will said i love my family so much...
n satu lg bila seorg ayh menages apabila dia x melihat ank dia y terpisah time kejadian tu di golongan org y terselamat... time tu dier trbyngkn saat ank dia membesar... n hanya kenangan y ada...
tp syukurla..tetiba dia mendpt nggiln dri anaknya y bgtau dia pn terselamt...
kejadian nie telah mngubah semua hidup org y terselamat nie...
mereka lebih menhargai kehidupan..
so guys please appreciate our life... cos we didn't know if we still can gasping some air for tomorrow...
n for pilot to be... jadikan Chesley Sullenburger as ur idol..
karna dia sngguh bgus dlm mendaratkn airplane di atas ir.. cos bkn seng
n bru ak tau..BUKAN SENANG NK JADI PILOT........