Thursday, May 20, 2010

da story.. episode 2...

one week past..
 at cafe diorise...
" soory i'm late.."

"x per haiqel... anyway i just made a decision"
" so?? do u accept my propose??"

" after i do istikarah prayer..asked my parents permission...yes.. but in 4 condition..."
"ha? hurm..ok..aper syaratnyer?/"

"pertama..u have to support my stdy..second.. antar sy ke kolej ..ketiga..jgn kongkong sy..n 5..i have my own room..that meen we sleep seperately..ok??

"let me think first...hurm............................"
"ingt..lau awk x stuju salah 1 married."

"ok2..i agree..anyway tq..."
"so biler nk khawin nie...?

"one month from now during ur cuti sem.. we just made a simple wedding"

" ok.. so awk nk masuk minang biller..??"

" esok"

" cepat nyer"

 " awk ner fhm.. sy risaukn kesihatn my mom"

" hows ur mum??"

" she ok right now..come we go meet my parents..."

"ok..lets go... tp awk raser ur mom trima x sy??"

"my mom baek la...haha"

at hospital

"assalamualaikum .. mak da chat??"

" waalaikumussalam.. alhamdulillah esok da bleh kuar dah.."

"mak sy bawak sesuatu nie"
"aper nak??"

haiqel menuju kearah pntu masuk wad itu..

"mia jom masuk"

"da boleh dh?? hope ok.."


"waalaikumussalam.. anak nie saper??"

"mak.. nie lah mia.. bkl menntu mak...

"aper?? bkn kater haiq x der calon??"

"haiq ader..cumer x redy lg"

"mia.. mari la rpt ckit ngan mak cik..jgn malu"

mia memandang haiqel dgn pndgn cuba mnolak.. tp haiqel juz ignore that..

"name penuh aper?? tggl at maner?? n kijer aper??"

"name sy mia pnggil mia jer...tggl at damansara.. n masih stdy.. at university"

"oo.. maybe sbb nie kot haiqel x nk kawen..cos mia x abis stdy ag..."

"tau x per mak.."

"tp ader jer kawin time stdy... mia boleh x nie kawin?? da ready??"

" nk kata da ready sepenuhnya tu x la.. cos sy nie pn perlu d bimbimg..."

"so haiqel.. u need to matured n give ur full commitment for ur wife ok..??"

"insyallah mom"

"so biler nk masuk meminang n kawin??"

"kami plan esok g masuk meminang..n sebulan dri skrng kawin la.."

tetiba ayah haiqel menyampuk.."barang tu da beli ker??"

"belum ag.. jap ag nk beli r..."

"nab..awk x yah trut serta la mjlis peminangan nie ek.... biar abg n y laen2 y uruskn..."

" baek bang..urus betul ek"

selepas mjlis meminang..

mia termenung kesorangan...

" ak da nk jd istri org da.... hope dgan ini ak dpt lupakan kau Danny..."

'kenangan y menghiris hati dtg kembali'


"Mia...i have something want to tell u.."

"hello "D" aper ?? u taukn skunk at Malaysia  tgh mlm skunk.... aper y mustahak sgt nie??"

"kiter putus...."

"what???"( terbeliak mata mia)
"syg..knapa nie.. tetiba je nk ptus??"

 " i da mls da ngan u.. utk pengetahuan u.. i da ader pengganti u"

"danny.. aper salah sy?? aper kuarang nyer sy?"

" x der cuma.. i da jtuh cinta at someone at tmpat kerja sy..that all"

"ok ..fine...ko igt ak desprate sgt er at ko.. bla la ko ngan perempuan dubai ko tu.. salam"

lepas peristiwa tu Mia da muak ngan laki.. semua laki samer 


sebulan berlalu.... majlis perkahwinan pun merlangsung ngan jayanyer....


Sunday, May 16, 2010

da story..

da story i wanna tell is .."happy will come when it come to ends"

the story begin....

hai.. my name.. Mia, Mia Suhaila Abdul Hakim..

i'm 21 years old..n stay study at UITM Shah Alam in sc admin corse..

im easy going person n oways love to help people in problems..

One days... my frenz, Dimas d' masukkn ke hospital... bcos of accident.
 i aper lg trus la ke sana.. cos he is da one of my gud frenz.

the first thing i do when i arrived at hospital is meet da doctor..
"tok..tok".. i knock da door..

"coming"  said da doctor...ati sempat brkata..." laki..asik..."

" yes miss can i help u??"

i dont say anything cos trlalu trpegun ngan muka doctor tu..

"hello miss?? CAN I HELP U???"

"OH, yes.. how my frenz, dimas ?? mangsa kemalangan y bru blaku td??

"may i know who are u??"

"i'm his frenz.."
" his ok.. cumer patah tgn n kakinya je y trseliuh..u dont need to worry"
"ok thanks doc"

" welcome"
in da ward

" k r dimas ..i gotta go.. cos bnyak ag assigment ak x ciap ag..
ko jgn luper jga kesihatan ko ek..insyallah esok i will come to visit u..caos"

"k..c ya"

ak pn kuar dri ward tu menuju ke parking car..

suddenly when i across hospital park i c someone like familliar..
"Mr. doctor"

he c me but try to avoid me..

he think i didnt know y dier bru abis nangis??


" can i ask whats wrong with u?? tu pn lau doctar nk kngsi ngan sy"

" do i need to do that?? i even dont know who u r" 

"doc.. da best way to release our stress is luahkn pd org y kiter x knl sgt..
cos diorg tu x knl kiter n x tau kisah kiter.."

"who r u actually?"

"i'm mia..n u??"

"i'm Haiqel.. just cal me haiqel don't call me doc.."

"ok... so u dont want tell me ur probs?? i love to help people when they having problems.. especially lam bg advise r.."

" disebabkn sy tgk mia nie agak baik orgnya.. sy akn bg tau mia aper masalh sy.. b 4 that i wanna ask u one question.. what u ganna do if ur parents forced u to married.. walaupn u not ready yet..??"

"me??.. if i'm in ur situation .. first sy akn tgk lu umr sy time tu.. da sesuai ker nk kawim...
n sy da kerja lum...
if not i'm try too slow talk with my parents,..
but if i know..diorg punyer niat tu baek pe salah nya"

" tpkn mia.. sy nie x der sesaper lg y bleh gnti tmpat ex sy.. that make me not ready"

" korang ptus ek??"

"yup she left me cos she had move to sweden.."
" why dont u contact her??"

"i did.. but she never answer my phone..n reply my msg.."

" i think u need to open ur heart to others gurl..lgpn awk bkn nyer x lg.. jap.. umur awk brape??"


"ha' elok sgt r kawin.. lgpn awk da ader sumua..pkerjaan da ader..itu da ckup"

"awk braper??"

"sy?? hehe 21 bru..hehe"

" sy x tau r mia.. i scare if i'm married i could not give full comitment to my wife.."

" haiqel.. we didn't know yet what ganna happen in da feature ..maner tau awk akn fall in love 4 da second time.. who know..
lgpn kn.. org tua2 ader kater..
bercinta slepas kawin lebih bahagia dri pada brcinta sblm kawin.."
" sy nah dgar bnda skunk calon pn sy x der au.. canne sy nk kawin..??"

" naper x suruh ur parents find one 4 u??

" x nk ah.. lau my mom dier cri...bkn  perempuan tp betina.. x nk r.."

" ader gak ek??"

" yer la cos dier tu sng dipengaruhi org.. lbih lg from my aunt"

"x per la wak.. sy nk gerak lu cos asssigment sy bnyak ag x wat..camne.. i give my no. esy 4 u to contact me to tell all ur probs.. k??

" that great.. cos i feel quite release when i talk with u..thanks mia"
" welcome.. this my no.017-3631697.. call me."

"insyallah.. tq..."

"ur welcome..adios n c ya.."

 *one week after that
 "hello mia.. can we meet??

"right now.. i cant cos i has class to attend.. but at lunch hour maybe ok..."
"great .. we meet at diorise cafe.."


"tq n assalamualaikum"


*at cafe

" hai haiqel.. "

" hai.. dtg jugak ek.."

"mesti la... so aper y mustahak nyer awk nk jumpa sy nie??

" mia i wanna ask u something ,,tp mia jgn trkejut ek.. n hope ansewr awk tu dpt sgt menolong sy"

" ckp r .. aper??"

" would u be my wife??"

"what?? to be ur wife?/??..ahaks..ahaks..* terkejut mia smpi trbelahak..*
 are u insane?? im a student..??
" yea i know.. but.. plez.. only u know my stuaition n da only person can help me.. plez mia..?"

"aper y awk teteiba ajak sy kawin nie??"

" my mom..msk hospital.. sbb brtengkar ngan sy pasal  i said  i x redy lg nk kawin....tetiba darah dier naik n dier x sdr kn dri skunk..tolong la ples"

" i cannot make da dissision right now..
give me 1 week to think.."

"tq mia.. hope u will think carefully n think about my mother sake.."

"don't be so happy"


"i have to go.. n plez dont call me or msg me durin this one week.."

"i will"



Thursday, May 13, 2010

ak stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

betapa stressnyer ak dk at umah..
1. ne wat keje umah...(cam bibik)
2. ari2 ne bngun kul 6 cos ne g kdai tlong mak at kdi..( da la at u pn tdo x ckp..balek umah pn samer??)
3. x dpt mkn ngan ckup..asyik brlapar jep..cos at umah x de ape2..sdh :(.)
4.bosan cos x leh nk kuar..asyik g kdai n dk at umah..
5.jd mangsa leteran mama...lau uamah ak x trurus time dier balek..
6.panas!!!!!!!!! x mcm kuantn sjuk ckit..uhu
x der duit poket:(
7.kne kongsi katil ngan adek y mmng giller!!!!!!!!!!

tu jep kijer ak at umah y wat ak stress!!!!!!!!!!!!

kekadang ak  nk g jauh jep dri cni.. g sweden ke..
new Zealnd ker..
y pnting no one can  recognize who i'm..
i happy 2 be alone..
especially no depend to guys.

single is da best 4 me..

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